Love: The Greatest Emotion? abundance business health mastery relationships wealth wisdom Oct 31, 2021

How do you love a homeless person? How do you love a child? How do you love a patient? How do you love a customer?


The answer to each of these is that we love them by serving them. We love them by taking care of them. We don’t wait to “feel” love for them—we take...

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Understanding Your Competitors to Beat Them business wisdom Oct 30, 2021

Almost everyday someone comes up to me and tells me about something the competition is doing.  They think we should change our pricing or our service or what we do in some way because of the way the competition is doing it.  That has caused me to do a lot of thinking over the years...

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Playing by the Ballpark Rules business mastery wisdom Oct 29, 2021

Most of our life we live playing in someone else’s ballpark. Simply put, we live by rules we didn’t create. Think about it.

  1. You drive a certain speed someone else set as the speed limit.
  2. You pay taxes someone else decided were the right amount.
  3. You have to obey rules at work that you...
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A Spectacular Birthday Adventure adventure relationships wisdom Oct 27, 2021

It was my 56th birthday and Pamela had planned a day on the ocean in Playa Del Carmen to celebrate. I was excited, but I really had no idea what to expect. The taxi arrived at 8 a.m. and we drove 30 minutes to the pier. I love taxi drivers in Mexico because I get a chance to practice my Spanish...

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In the Joy and Tragedy adventure mastery mindfulness wisdom Oct 26, 2021

We live a life of joy and tragedy… at the same time.

Earlier this month, Pam and I were traveling by car to our home in Texas from Jackson, Wyoming.  It’s a long two day or shorter three-day trip. Yesterday we drove for about six hours and during that time took and made several...

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Delivering My First Horseļ»æ adventure wisdom Oct 25, 2021

For Christmas one year, I decided to buy my wife Pamela a horse, which she decided to name Red. She’s a beautiful horse and we had her for about two years when we decided it was time for her to have a baby. So, we brought over a stud named Joe and the two of them frolicked together and made...

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The Best Investment I Ever Made adventure business mastery mission wisdom Oct 23, 2021

I recently listened to a Tim Ferris podcast, and at the end, he asked Tony Robbins what the best investment he ever made was. Tony said it was investing in a Jim Rohn seminar. 

I started thinking about that answer and realized the best investment I ever made was investing in a Tony Robbins...

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We Are the Average of the 5 People We Hang Out With relationships wisdom Oct 22, 2021

My friends, family, and I were in the jungles of Uganda, Africa. We had hiked through the sweltering forest for several hours. Our thighs were burning because of the climb, and the jungle forest was brutally hot.  Each of us fought our own internal battle to keep going, but we were on a...

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Donā€™t Be a Social Media Addict health mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Oct 21, 2021

I am addicted to social media. Not like the “Here’s a selfie of me doing nothing” kind, but a worse kind. I’m the “I can’t get enough news about the news and people talking about the news” kind.

It’s destroying my intellect. I have been obsessed...

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Life is the Horse, I am the Rider mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Oct 20, 2021

“I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more, 
However, I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;

For Life is just an employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn,...

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Corporations ā€” Friend or Foe? abundance business mission wisdom Oct 17, 2021

I recently read a post on Facebook about how horrible corporations are and that they are stealing from society. That corporations are only about profits and that it’s not right that they should be taking so much from society. Those who commented also went on about the evil of companies. No...

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Letā€™s Connect ā€“ The Purpose of Social Media health mastery mission relationships wisdom Oct 16, 2021

So, we’re sitting on the beach here in Playa and this girl walks up to me and says, “You’re Tim!” 

Clearly, this caught me off guard. We’re in Mexico and someone out here recognized me? I was a little cautious at first, not sure how she knew who I was. So, I...

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