The Seventh Pillar of Expertise abundance adventure dr. tim's 6 pillars health mastery planner relationships wealth Nov 03, 2021

There are Seven Pillars of Expertise which you MUST be good at to have a truly fulfilled life.

We discussed the Six Pillars in previous posts along with the importance of your Primary Question. Today I will introduce the Seventh Pillar. It is the hardest to explain but also adds the most juice in...

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How Was Your Year? adventure business dr. tim's 6 pillars health mastery mindfulness mission Nov 01, 2021

Every year, I disappear for about 4 days. It has become known as “hibernation,” probably because my wife thinks I act like a bear most of the time. I literally go away and cannot be found for 4 days. These are my days. I am not available. I do not answer emails, text...

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A Spectacular Birthday Adventure adventure relationships wisdom Oct 27, 2021

It was my 56th birthday and Pamela had planned a day on the ocean in Playa Del Carmen to celebrate. I was excited, but I really had no idea what to expect. The taxi arrived at 8 a.m. and we drove 30 minutes to the pier. I love taxi drivers in Mexico because I get a chance to practice my Spanish...

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In the Joy and Tragedy adventure mastery mindfulness wisdom Oct 26, 2021

We live a life of joy and tragedy… at the same time.

Earlier this month, Pam and I were traveling by car to our home in Texas from Jackson, Wyoming.  It’s a long two day or shorter three-day trip. Yesterday we drove for about six hours and during that time took and made several...

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Delivering My First Horseļ»æ adventure wisdom Oct 25, 2021

For Christmas one year, I decided to buy my wife Pamela a horse, which she decided to name Red. She’s a beautiful horse and we had her for about two years when we decided it was time for her to have a baby. So, we brought over a stud named Joe and the two of them frolicked together and made...

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The Best Investment I Ever Made adventure business mastery mission wisdom Oct 23, 2021

I recently listened to a Tim Ferris podcast, and at the end, he asked Tony Robbins what the best investment he ever made was. Tony said it was investing in a Jim Rohn seminar. 

I started thinking about that answer and realized the best investment I ever made was investing in a Tony Robbins...

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Be Responsible. Be Proactive. adventure business mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Oct 05, 2021

Being proactive is not just thinking positively. It’s not something we can preach and just not follow through. In my urgent care business, our motto is: You’re either all in, or you’re in the way.

That means we want every single person to own what they do and to be the best at...

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Overcoming Fear adventure health mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Oct 02, 2021

The number one thing that holds you (and me) back from being ten times more successful and living the life of our dreams is fear.  Fear paralyzes us because we feel we have no control.  We all have fears and most of them are stupid and made up.  The ancient Japanese saying,...

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How to Create Raving Fan Team Members abundance adventure business relationships wealth building wisdom Sep 23, 2021

To create raving fan customers, create raving fan team members.

I received this email yesterday from one of our customers:


Dr. Reynolds,

            Your staff is wonderful.  I hurt my knee and went to see your people last...

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Three Ways to Boost Your Business adventure business planner wealth Sep 05, 2021

As I type this, America is in the second calendar year of the COVID Pandemic. It is 2021 and businesses are having to pivot to find steady ground in an increasingly dynamic marketplace. Some gigantic names in industry have closed their doors forever. Some new businesses have rocketed to the...

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Wonder and the Art of Being Content adventure mindfulness mission wisdom Sep 04, 2021

As it’s getting closer to this holiday season I’m getting more and more excited! Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. I love everything about the holiday. I love the shopping, the food, the parties, the gift-giving. I love Christmas trees and Christmas music. I have...

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The Myth of Work Life Balance abundance adventure business health mastery mission relationships wealth wisdom Aug 28, 2021

There were many years early on in adulthood where I felt like my life was out of balance. Despite the strongest efforts and best of intentions, I couldn’t ever get it so that each area of my life got equal amounts of attention. It seemed like an impossible task to give absolutely everything...

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