Get That Side Hustle Sep 22, 2021

The advantage of 2020 over the rest of history is this: the internet. 

You could go start a business tonight, for free, just on your phone. And, if it doesn’t work, you can change it next week. That doesn’t work either? Change it the week after. You can start a blog today. You...

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How To Fail Successfully abundance business financial mastery mindfulness mission wisdom Sep 21, 2021

Embrace Failure!

We often spend our lives trying to avoid failure.  On the surface that makes sense, failure hurts.  It can be the source of much pain and frustration.  On the other hand, it is also the source of all learning and progress.  Think about anything you are good...

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The Key to Abundance abundance mastery wealth building Sep 20, 2021

The world can be a crazy place.  

Many times, we are taught something our whole lives that just is not true. 

For example, most of us were raised with the unfortunate belief that the blessings of the world, things like money, talent, love, and joy are limited resources. 


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Display Good Traits Sep 19, 2021

Do we display good traits?  When people look at us what do they see?  As my friend, Brandon Johnson, would ask, “What kind of energy are we putting out to the world?”  Are we making it better or worse?  Are people happy we are here because we contribute to the...

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Defining Who You Are mastery mission wisdom Sep 18, 2021

One of the biggest challenges facing any business is to decide what you are and what you represent.  What do you stand for?  How do you distinguish yourself from the competition?   What makes your business unique and different?

Deciding on your values and your ...

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Someday Is Not a Day of the Week abundance mastery mindfulness mission relationships wisdom Sep 17, 2021

We all have something we want to achieve in life.  You would not be reading this if that were untrue.  We see proof of this daily here at Living Every Minute, as we cross paths with so many amazing people, all with different dreams and intentions. 

Fascinatingly, regardless of...

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Civility & Forgiveness abundance mastery mindfulness mission relationships Sep 16, 2021

In the Lord’s Prayer, the fourth stanza says, “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.”  

 Three verses later the Lord says,

“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But...

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Cultivating an Intrapreneur Culture abundance business financial relationships wealth wisdom Sep 15, 2021

Which people are most valuable to your workplace? Of course, every person on your team is important. But all successful organizations have at least one person who everyone knows as a difference maker.

When things go wrong, this is the person you turn to for advice, insight, and solutions. ...

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Never Take a Goose to a Duck Contest mastery mindfulness mission Sep 14, 2021

Never take a goose to a duck contest.  That’s some good advice right there! But seriously, how many times in your life have you tried to “fix” someone that just cannot be “fixed?”  Are they doing what they are supposed to be doing?  

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Quit the โ€œAinโ€™t it Awful Clubโ€ mastery mindfulness wisdom Sep 13, 2021

“There are two types of people, anchors and motors. 

You want to lose the anchors and get with the motors

because the motors

are going somewhere and they’re having more fun. 

The anchors will just drag you down.”

– Robert Wyland

It doesn’t take long....

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The Greatest Business Book of All Time book club business Sep 12, 2021

There are a lot of great business books out there. I have read many of them.


So, it may surprise you what I consider to be the best business book of all time.


It’s not found in the business section of bookstores or libraries. 


Business schools don’t use it.

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How to Create a Legacy of Leaders in Your Business business relationships Sep 11, 2021

Guiding team members is a fine balance between deciding what I am responsible for and figuring out what they are responsible for. Additionally, when I’m training company leaders, it’s important they understand what their responsibilities are and what my expectations of them are. I...

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