The most important lesson of all the lessons of wealth is the easiest to understand and the hardest to do. You MUST pay yourself first. You MUST KEEP a portion of what you make and start to develop your wealth. You MUST live within your means. If you cannot do this, it...
There were many years early on in adulthood where I felt like my life was out of balance. Despite the strongest efforts and best of intentions, I couldn’t ever get it so that each area of my life got equal amounts of attention. It seemed like an impossible task to give absolutely everything...
Once, I sat in a board meeting listening to my friend and mentor, Keith Cunningham. He talked about getting better optics (one of his favorite topics) and how that helps to make better decisions.
I started thinking about the times when I have made some bone-headed decisions. Ones that I...
“Grow up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do. It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another.”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Here’s a little secret: The results we achieve in our business are a direct result of what we are committed to. Crazy, right?
I recently read the book Principles by Ray Dalio, and one of the principles he discusses struck me as something we deal with almost every month in our lives. Here are the principle and my thoughts on it.
Ray Dalio’s Principle 2.2B: Make sure people understand the difference...
In my Reclaim Your Gladiator course, the entire first day is about learning to stand on your own two feet. In this world you have to learn you can stand up against all resistance and all things that come your way, so you can become completely independent and take ownership of your own...
If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room…
The one thing that I have been able to do over the last 20 years is to learn how to surround myself with people truly smarter than I am. I know a lot of people talk about this, and a lot of people say...
You have some areas of your life that you OWN– meaning you have them down. Then, there are other areas where you struggle. You may have great health, but your business life suffers. You may have work or business down, but you struggle with your relationship with your spouse. Maybe your...