Action vs. Intention
Aug 07, 2021Why do we judge others on what they do and judge ourselves on our intentions?
It’s a great question and applies both to the things we do that we shouldn’t have and the things we should have done that we don’t.
For example, Mary is late to work every day. We judge her based on the fact that every day she is late causing problems for the whole team.
When asked Mary says that she intends to be to work on time but the kids were sick so of course that was more important. She meant to be on time but there was traffic. It’s not really her fault.
She is judging herself on her intentions and cannot understand why we cannot see it. We are judging her based on her action, she was late.
More personally you mean to lose weight and get in shape. You get busy, you are tired after a full day of work. It’s understandable why you haven’t started. You are judging yourself on your intentions. However, when you walk by and people see you are 30 lbs overweight they don’t judge your intentions, they judge your actions or in this case your lack of results.
The Living Every Minute planner is designed to bridge this gap. It helps you to define your intentions but then it also holds you accountable for your actions. It helps you to see where you did well and where you fell short. That is the only way to improve.
We cannot live an unexamined life and improve and be happy. We must hold ourselves accountable for what we say we want. Not our intentions but our actions and results.
On the left page of the daily pages in the journal/planner are our intentions for the day. What we plan on doing to reach our major definite purpose. On the right-hand side are our actual results. What did we do? How did we do?
Why do we judge others on what they do and judge ourselves on our intentions?
It’s a great question, and it applies both to the things we do that we shouldn’t have and the things we should have done that we didn’t.
For example, Mary is late to work every day. We judge her based on the fact that every day she is late, causing problems for the whole team.
When asked, Mary says that she intends to be to work on time, but her kids were sick, so of course, that was more important. She meant to be on time but, there was traffic. It’s not really her fault.
She is judging herself on her intentions and cannot understand why we can’t see it. We are judging her based on her action: she was late.
More personally, you mean to lose weight and get in shape. You get busy, or you’re tired after a full day of work. It’s understandable why you haven’t started. You are judging yourself on your intentions. However, when you walk by and people see you are 30 lbs. overweight, they don’t judge your intentions, they judge your actions… or in this case, your lack of results.
The Living Every Minute planner is designed to bridge this gap. It helps you to define your intentions, but it also holds you accountable for your actions. It helps you see where you did well and where you fell short. That is the only way to improve.
We cannot live an unexamined life and improve and be happy. We must hold ourselves accountable for what we say we want. Not our intentions, but our actions and results.

On the left page of the daily pages in the journal-planner are our intentions for the day. This is where we put what we plan on doing to reach our major definite purpose. On the right-hand side of the daily pages are our actual results. What did we do? How did we do?
This is magic, and if you do it every day the results will be multiplied.
Go to and take a look. This planner/journal will change your life.
Living Every Minute,
Tim Reynolds, M.D.
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